Multi-sided winding

Hi all

How to do for a material removal on several sides at the same time of sheet metal, using the winding, or something else maybe?

Thank you for your answers, I'm attaching the file.




In a part it doesn't work, to do this you have to create an assembly with your different parts then recreate a sketch with your text and do the removal of material in the assembly and in the options you share to the parts by selecting them and propagating them to the parts but be careful each part must be different (not the same no or different configurations).




Thank you for the answer of AC Cobra 427 who helped me well, I would like to do a circular repetition of my  piece but the problem is that the removal is

in the original part is not keep is there a solution? thank you for your answers, I attach assembly


disco ball.sldasm

Have you done a repetition of your part in the assembly or it's a different part each time (one part = a different configuration or each time another part with a different name). Because if it's a simple circular repetition of your part, it won't work given the different removals of materials.

Good evening everyone, I am in an assembly, I am doing a component repetition but I can't keep the removal that is done on the original part, there I block if ac cobra427 to a little time to devote to me I put the assembly as an attachment .thank you for your answers.

