Sending files from ZW3D to Solidworks


I use ZW3D in CAD/CAM software (  ), and I need to send a file to a client that uses SW. SW3D has a good file import/export module, its functions work well, but I'm the one who hesitates, I think I'll use the STEP format.
Can you confirm it for me?

Thank you


I thought it was possible to export in SW format via ZW3D, at least that's what I read on their site but I may be wrong.

In any case, the STEP format remains the universal CAD exchange format. As long as the person who opens it is equipped with SW Premium, he will be able to launch the function recognition utility and work with the file without problems.


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If ZW3D exports in STEP, go for it, it's the most used way to transfer between different software!