[EPDM] How do I add automatic approval variables to file validation?


I can't get the approval variables to go into automatic when validating an EPDM file.

The Approver and Approval Date variables were created initially, I added these variables in Transition Actions but nothing happens when I test on a file.

There must be something I don't do or do wrong.

Attached image: in the background the data map using these variables and in front of the EPDM administration table with these variables and the transit actions.

To your advice ;-) Thank you




Wouldn't the variables be so-called "free" variables that only get information during an extraction?

Otherwise, the variables are mapped to file properties?

No, variables are not checked "free".

Here is an image with the editing of these 2 variables:


I didn't know the $prpsheet statement in the variables but I don't think it comes from there.

On the other hand, from memory, you need extraction rights on the arrival state to be able to modify the file. If there are no rights, nothing happens.

I modified the rights by adding the extraction on the arrival state "ARTICLE_VALIDE" but it doesn't change anything.

Is this where you said to modify these rights? :



Yes it's good in this interface, you have to allow the extraction on the different groups that will validate but the file right must also allow it.

In my opinion, you should add a step in your workflow because as it stands, once your document is valid, it will be extractable and it seems inconsistent to me.

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How is your "JAN_APPROBATEUR" value obtained because I don't use this solution for variables that correspond to the name and the date of approval, I use the "system" value

Approved on = %date% which corresponds to the date of the action
Approved by = %userdata% which in my case is the user's trigram and which is populated in the user properties under "user data"


Yes, it was to try that I did this but it must not be able to be extracted once validated, yes!

I just realized that we have multiple workflows and I wasn't on the right one but the problem is the same on this one.

JAN-APPROBATOR and JAN_DATE_APPROBATION are variables created in the EPDM that are included in the data map and in the plane block. At the moment, the only way to make them appear is to enter it via the file's data card

Here is an image with the correct flow and the associated variables:


A 2nd small subject, the modifier and modification date values which update well but the date is in the form YEAR-MONTH-DAY, how to display it in DAY-MONTH-YEAR knowing that it is an EPMD variable that works in the same way as the one explained above.

In the transition action, the value is : %date%

Uh, so I have the impression that you are working backwards.

The trunk is bi-directional (link in both directions). Basically, you get the value of a variable to bring it down to the same variable.

However, the modification, which is based on the same principle, works...

For the date, right-click in the administration on the name of the vault then property and change the date format.

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Thank you for the format of the date ;-)

I succeeded in the approval, I set everything the same as the modification that works with the right values (%date and %user%) and it works.

Problem solved!
