EPDM and SW macro

Hello community.


Do you know if it is possible to run solidworks macros as EPDM tasks?

Let me explain, I have set up a number of macros in order to overcome repetitive tasks^ches in my modeling.

However, I would have liked to launch these macros via the EPDM in order to be able to launch them on another workstation for example or to launch them "queue".


Have you already set this up??


Thank you in advance





Macros will have to be used to integrate the notion of "Extract" "Archive" from the EPDM database if these macros require to have the documents in write and then backup mode. Otherwise I think they are usable as is.





With the Dispatch module in the EPDM admin you can run macros.

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What do you mean by the DISPATCH module because my EPDM admin doesn't know that...

In the administration tool, go to "Add-ons": http://help.solidworks.com/2011/french/EnterprisePDM/Admin/AllContent/EntPDM/Admin/Dispatch/t_dispatch_create_script.html?id=28d2f4e58d1e45b3bdb08e4e994cb141#Pg0

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After searching in the dispatch, I am starting to understand how it works.

On the other hand, how do you launch actions in solidworks (in my case a macro) via the dispatch