EPDM: Problem when archiving

When it was time to archive a drawing, a drawing that had been created, so entering EPDM, was extracted to make a lot of changes, an error message arrives to say that the design is already extracted! by the cartoonist and on the computer used and which he cannot archive!!

Have you ever been archived?

How do I recover the work done?

How can this phenomenon be explained? How can it be avoided?

it seems to me that it comes from micro network outages that desynchronize SW from the server.

but I don't have a solution to propose. I already lost a lot of work because of this before the computer changed the network switch that was in question.

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A fairly simple point with PDM is that if the file is opened in solidworks you need to archive the built-in PDM add-in. Otherwise close solidworks and archive your file via the right click in the explorer


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- Save the documents concerned (those modified) in a temporary directory;
- release documents at the EPDM level;
- take back the documents for modification, always at the EPDM level;
- as the files are copied locally, overwrite these files with those created in the first step;
- Files can be archived normally.