EPDM Delete extracted files

Hello everyone and Happy New Year 2021,

As a good resolution for this year 2021, I decided to clean up our EPDM trunk and I have a small problem:
A user who no longer exists still has 5 unfortunate useless files extracted, and that's where it gets complicated:
 1 - The workstation on which the files are present no longer exists.
 2 - Files that have never been archived.
 3 - The user's account no longer exists.

I don't need to recover the files because their content has no interest (good news) just to make them disappear from the list of extracted files visible in admin.
I've already tried as an admin to delete them, archive them, undo the extraction, but nothing works :-(

If anyone has an idea, I'm all for it.

Hello @ any chance 

See this link




Is it not possible to recreate coins (even empty) with the name of those extracted from your trunk to reimport them and then delete them?


If the station is no longer available, it is not possible to delete files from the database that have never been archived.

Kind regards

Hi, the files have never been archived so they are not part of the vault?

Could you give us a screenshot of the explorer?

If the files are extracted on a computer that no longer exists, you can delete them without any problem by logging in to windows with the admin account
You delete, and in the dialog box you don't forget to check accept, otherwise it won't delete anything at all
CF gt22 link

If, on the other hand, they are italicized in the explorer with "<private state>" in the state column, then it's the same:P

If you still can't delete these files, it's because your admin account must have a pb of settings



Hello everyone and thank you for your answers,

like a fool I hadn't read the dialog box correctly,
As @Michael DELACOTE specifies, you have to tick the small box in addition to the one on the part,
