Equation in table

I'm looking to add values in the cells of a table:

I can type A6+A10 directly and I have my result.

But I would like to use the Sum function (SUM)

To select a column part, we have ":". Ex: SUM(A2:A5)

But to select disjoint cells, in theory, we should put ",".

But it doesn't seem to be working.

Anyone have the right walkthrough?

Hello It is , or ; E n according to Windows settings
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When you click on the table there is a bar that appears, in it there is an equation function provided for it.

May the force be with you.


@Obi Wan: yes I know it well but it's by using the equation that I can't do the sum (see pictures)!

Manually, it works: A6 + A10 gives the result well (= 29), not with Equation which gives me what you see on the circled image.

@Cyril.f: In SW's help, it's the cell separator. But it doesn't work (see images)

Not many amateurs for the moment...

Surprising behavior:
- Under XL, the separator is "; " on my machine
- usually, SW uses XL but in this case, nothing works (neither , nor ;).

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yes @stefbeno, weird and I can't find an anterior to  comma ","

The period, the semicolon, the 2 slashes do nothing


Looking more closely at the help, I have the impression that the sum function only works to sum a column without being able to ungroup like on excel.

No solution except to add the cells in the classic way A1+A5+A6.... (checked on the help of versions 2014 to 2017)

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Hello @alain,

Indeed it's weird, I'll look at it later because I have a lot of work now.

On the other hand, what you can do is place the rows to be added one below the other (line 1 and 2), you insert a new line (3) below 1 and 2, you add your sum in row (3) and then you drag the row (3) to the bottom of the table.

May the force be with you.

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Thank you all for your help!

We will conclude that for the moment, we do not know how to respond better and therefore no direct solution to this problem.