Equation IF


It is possible to handle a value as follows: = if ( "Lgextrusion@Extrusion1" < 254mm , 2 ,3)

But is it possible to use "cascading" IF equations?  = if ( "Lgextrusion@Extrusion1" < 254mm , 2 , if ( "Lgextrusion@Extrusion1" < 508mm , 3 ,4))

(This syntax doesn't work. Is there a way around it?)


Thank you

Hello, why not make 2 equations (on 2 lines) with an intermediate variable?

EQ1 = if ( "Lgextrusion@Extrusion1" < 508mm , 3 .4)

EQ2= if ( "Lgextrusion@Extrusion1" < 254mm , 2 , EQ1)


Be careful to respect the order of the equations.


Hello PL.,

I hadn't thought of this solution, it works very well.


Thank you!

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You're welcome, so you can nest as many FIs as you want.