Equation multiple de IF

Hello everyone,
I have a synthaxis error in the rest of my equation:


What doesn't work in the syntax??


I'm not a connoisseur, but isn't it due to a kind of redundancy (D2@esquisse1)?


I'm not sure I could help you more, but a question comes to mind when I look at your equation of function, I didn't know it was possible, delete and not delete ...

If the TPN is less than or equal to 119 it removes your removal of material??? Hence my question, where can we find help on all the functions that can be inserted in equations?

Kind regards.


For my multiple IIF it works exactly as I wrote, but you have to use the if() function proposed because if not it finds a syntax error....

To know the equations and what type of equation has been inserted, Feb, there is nothing... No blog tutorial or other. Nor even in the help of solid.

Just a piece of info, use the proposals that are in the list of "functions" or "File property".

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So it's Resolved.

In private message if other questions.


Thank you.

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