Equivalent of Autocad's "WBLOC" on Draftsight

Hello everyone,

We regularly use the WBLOC command on our old Autocad LT 2009 (if it still exists...) to retrieve only a given layer and save it in DXF for the laser
Unfortunately no longer compatible with windows 10, we are considering switching to draftsight
I downloaded the demo version, to try this famous function, but it doesn't give me the same possibilities as on Autocad, and precisely not the possibility to choose a layer
Is there another feature on Draftsight that allows you to do this?, because it saves precious time
I attach a screenshot of the 2 software





Do you mean that through the wblock function you can directly select the layers you are interested in to create the block?

In Draftsight, yes, the block function looks simplified, but you can always freeze unwanted layers beforehand with the "layer tools" function in format and then create your block.


Yes that's right, in Autocad, you can directly choose which layer will be exported in DXF... or even just what types of lines for example
I freeze the layers takes a lot of time if you have like this, a hundred parts to export in DXF....