Error uploading: "file size too large"

Hello, I have a problem with uploading a file to MyCadPlace. the assembly file I'm trying to transfer weighs barely 3.5 MB.this shouldn't be a problem. I have already been able to transfer files of 2.8 MB. This is the same file as before, but saved on the solidworks 2014 version I just installed.


Marc-Aurèle Rochat


A "save as" in 2014 can maybe reduce the file size, otherwise I think the limitation of MyCADPlace is more than 3 MB, right?


The problem happened today?

What do you have as an error message?



In order for us to carry out tests, can you send us your file, either directly here if there is no privacy pb, or by email to


And a screenshot of your error message.


Kind regards



which means if I understand correctly that a file transferred from 2013 to 2014 enlarged by 0.7 MB?


the maximum size for a single file is 600 MB!! so we're broad:)


It seemed to me because if we are limited to 3 MB, we won't go very far:)

In fact I saved on 2014, I don't know if the size has increased, since I have reworked my assembly in the meantime. Moreover, I only see the size of the converted file on Lynkoa. I don't remember the size until 2014. In the meantime I no longer have this file size error. I restarted all of them and now I have another error: "Cannot read property 'isFile' of null".


You can reach us on 04 78 87 29 29 and ask me (Frédéric Chosson), I think it will be more convenient by phone, especially since this is the first time this error message appears.


I am available from 16:00.


Thank you



I find exactly the same defects, whatever the file extension.


Is there a solution to transfer the files?



 I still don't have any solutions. I tried to change internet explorer (from chrome to IE) but the problem remains the same. File size too large. I have also tried different assemblies but the problem remains the same.


In fact I manage to transfer small parts and assembly files, but more than natively. Even when I ask to convert it arrives natively on the lynkoa server. It's getting very weird.


PS: Mr. Chosson, I could not contact you today because I have to go on a trip to a client. Sorry. I'll contact you tomorrow.


I also reproduce your problem.

Our technical teams will dive into it.

The problem is normally corrected.


Can you redo the manipulation that crashed and tell us if everything works again?


Kind regards



Hi all.

Mr.  Chosson, I did some tests again this morning. Now I can transfer my files. However, I still see two concerns:


  - When I make the transfer, the file is transferred to a native version, regardless of the option chosen (native or collaborative data).


  - We cannot make the transfer part drag'n drop. You have to click on the "transfer" key, then on "select files".


However, there is already clear progress. Thank you for your cooperation.



Have you followed the procedure (to be done only once) to configure your browser: 

Setting your browser

Although all browsers are supported in their latest version, we recommend the use of Google Chrome.  Chrome is the only browser that will allow you to carry out CAD conversions in collaborative format locally, i.e. without the native passing through our servers.
For browsers other than Chrome, the conversion will always take place on our servers. If you value the privacy of your native data, use Chrome.
If necessary, your native data is deleted from our servers after the conversion to the collaborative format.
Here's how to set it up: 
Conditions for converting your CAD file locally on your machine (no sending the CAD file to the server)
    You need to use the Google Chrome browser and enable its Native Client option
How do I install Google Chrome?
     Click on this link
How do I enable the Native Client option?
     To access the Native Client setting, in Chrome's address bar, type: 
    Click "Enable" to enable the Native Client option
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That's it, everything is back to normal, I can transfer and the conversion is done. I haven't changed anything, but now it works. Thank you to everyone for their help and in particular to Mr. Chosson. I do use Google Chrome, as you recommend. This browser is, in my opinion, the best, and not just for this particular use.


Thank you all and have a good weekend.