Bend Function Error


I have a sheet metal part. I unfold it without any problem, but I can't fold it anymore. I have an error message (see attached image). My colleague does not have that problem. Does anyone have any idea of the origin of this error message please

Thank you in advance

Kind regards


Good evening

First of all, it seems to me that this comes from your transition folds.
Our eminent colleague @ ac cobra 427 has done a tutorial on the subject recently I think.

Kind regards


Good evening and greetings to all,

Maybe it's from your material removal function. If you can't do this,  you can post your part and my colleagues and I will be happy to take a look.



Thank you for your answers. Yes, I always do my material removals by checking "normal material removal".

I find it amazing to be able to unfold a piece and not be able to fold it up (even without having modified this part)

Attached is the file of the document in question

Thank you very much in advance
