"No Valid Density" Error


I have a ground problem on a downloaded component.

It is an assembly of cylinders. When I click on Evaluate / Ground Property, I get a message telling me that the parts that make it up "do not have a valid density". However, I can measure the mass of each of the parts individually...



It smells like imported parts. It wouldn't be a neutral format by chance.
Can you attach an image of an individual part carrying both the correct mass in the individual part and rejected in the overall mass of the ASM.
And above all an image of the mass of the individual part as well as the declared material.

Kind regards

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It is indeed an imported piece.

Fixed issue:

I had assigned a mass to each component, and no material (commercial component).

It seems that he doesn't like it too much...

I assigned the ground to the assembly, it works. We'll see when we make the nomenclature. At home we are not used to using nomenclatures in tabs. For components made up of several parts (cylinders, universal joints, etc.), only one is included in the nomenclature, with total mass and properties, and the others are excluded. It's not the cleanest, but that's how it is...

Thank you again zozo

To avoid this kind of hack, you have to right-click on the configuration (even if there is only one and it's the default one) and "play" with the options (see: https://help.solidworks.com/2018/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/HIDD_BOM_COMPONENT_OPTIONS.htm )

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