Error following myCADtools 2015



I don't use MyCAD often, but this morning when I wanted to use it, I got this error message: "The tool protection tool was not found".


Have you ever had this problem? Knowing that the last time I used mycad there was no problem, that I didn't make any special changes on my computer.



This question was asked last week.


Here is the post:



I quote:




We often have this problem with Avast because it deletes the file: Registration.exe from the myCAD tools.

Try disabling the antivirus and repair the myCADtools 2015 installation, then try to restart a utility.

If everything is ok, then you will have to exclude this program from the antivirus.

Good luck





@Bart: Simple and effective:)

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Thank you Aurélien!


It's rather Mick who should be thanked. ^^