Sketching a Line-Arc

In a sketch, I select "Line", I draw a series of segments. If I go back to my last point, the line turns into an arc. So far, nothing new! But how can we turn back? To go back from an arc of a circle to a line? I never found any shortcuts, except to do "Esc" or select the "Line" tool again.

The answer is in your question^^


Personally, when it happens to me, I right-click and click on select.

Then to redo a line I type enter

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You just have to go back to the point of your line and just left-click on it. 


Make a test, a right, a curve and another curve, the latter taken to the right with left click on the last point, then select the whole with Ctrl+A you will see the number of elements drawn and their geometries.


Indeed, you just have to left-click on the last point to return from an arc of a circle to a line.

Thank you!

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I learned a trick! =) Thank you