Reference sketch disappeared


I lost track of a sketch that I used to control the geometry of an assembly: I can't find it in the Feature manager even though it is still used as a reference for part sketches in my assembly. (virtual sketch created in the context of the assembly presumably)

Do you have any idea where it can be?


Maybe your assembly is open in "big design management"  mode which hides a lot of things in the construction tree,

or your sketch is in one of the rooms,

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What does your external referral manager say?

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Right-click on the file name at the top of the feature manager, do you have the function that is circled on the screenshot:



Large Design Management Mode:

I don't think so. I didn't know about it but obviously it's something that is checked off when I open the document and I reopened it several times. Is there an option I can uncheck?

External references:

There are all kinds of relationships, most of which are in context and many refer to this famous phantom sketch. Others are broken or external and are related to an intelligent component.

Show details of functions:

No, this line does not appear. Instead there is "Fix solved parts on Light"


Found, it was indeed hidden in a smart component (a technique that seemed promising to me to save time but that I don't master well)