Derivative sketch

Hi all

How to change the external references of a derived sketch by pointing it to a new sketch of another part, all created in a sub-assembly

Thank you for your help

So the derived sketches are horrible and completely unmanageable. Drop this method to the profiles of the blocks that will give you exactly the same result with a much better flexibility.
may the force be with you.


I agree with @OBI_WAN it's the orreur!
In your case, to be able to force Solidworks' hand, the easiest way is to make it believe that your old reference part no longer exists (rename or move), in this case Solidworks should ask you for a new reference part... but it's not certain, it all depends on your version of Solidworks.

Here is an excerpt from the Solidworks Help:

… Suppose you created a derivative part and then moved or changed the name of the
inadvertently original document. When you try to open the derivative part, the software notifies you that the document with an external reference (the original document) has not been found and gives you the option to search for it. If you choose not to search for it, the operation is canceled.

If you decide to search for the document with an external reference, you have two choices:
If you locate and select the original document (in a different directory, or under a different name), the derived document opens with the new name or path. Because the internal identification is the same, the external reference is updated as expected. When you save the part, the new name or path is also saved.
If you select a different document, the system notifies you that the internal identification is non-compliant. You can then either accept the selected document or continue the search.

Reconstruction errors

If you accept the selected document, the model may contain reconstruction errors, especially if you have added features to the derivative part document. If the document geometry you selected is different from that of the original referenced document, the added features may contain reconstruction errors.

Kind regards.


Or from the solidworks exporter click on reference:

Then indicate the path to the new room, open and save.
Be careful, the piece must be from the 1st for him to find the reference points otherwise I join my colleagues, it goes like a lollipop.
So derivative sketches should generally be avoided.


Thank you all with a little delay for your different feedbacks on the subject

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