Is this the end of precision mechanics?

Hello everyone

The labs want to go after OMICRON so that's not a 10 +0 -0.001 game.
Imagine that if they create a MILLI min'   variant, there is no longer an accuracy of less than a centimeter, the millimeter being neutralized as well.

The entire metrology industry reduced to nothing in a single injection. A shot to have side effects!

But on the positive side, the odds chains are finally freed from their chains.

It makes you think, no!      Let's take action! Don't touch my micron!

Kind regards


Hello @Zozo_mp

I think we can be reassured of the survival of the micron because it seems necessary to make a regular booster shot, probably in order to control the coast chains.
I can't wait for the Centi MAX vary that we laugh a little.

Kind regards.