Is it possible to associate a custom properties form for each file type?


As the title suggests, I'd like to associate a custom properties form for each file type.

Let me explain:

- A form for assemblies

- A form for parts

 - A form for mechanically welded

So I created (thanks to the form editor) 3 different forms that I saved with the extensions corresponding to the different file types.

The problem is that Solidworks defaults to the mechanically welded form for all types of files and I can't define the corresponding form for each file type.

The goal is then to use SmartBOM to create a bill of materials that will provide a description, a family, an article code and a material for assemblies and parts, and a blank (throughput) and a manufacturing method for welded machines. Then to export it to excel to facilitate the work of our buyers.



With smart properties Mycad tool (like smarbom) you can do this easily.

Just choose link to another xml file (see attached image).

And this creates a custom form for you by type of part, assembly,

 mechanically welded or other.
