Is it possible to change the EPDM lookup on the map tab to show the file template by default?


I would like to modify the EPDM search on the map tab so that it displays the file template by default and does not need to be sectioned.

By default, it is proposed the 1stfile or card in alphabetical order

What do I do except rename my card so that the name comes 1stin alphabetical order?

On the attached image, at the top the search visualization and at the bottom the settings of this "Map" tab

Thank you




Basically, the chest classifies them in alphabetical order and if you ever slip a different one into the folders it displays them in the order of detection and then alphabetical order.

No simple solution to my knowledge.

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So the only solution is to rename my card so that it goes 1st in alphabetical order... not great but I'm going to go with that now!

It works but putting a ". " in front of the name of my file card so that it arrives by default in my search card I don't like much.