Is it possible to set the height of a propeller?


The question says it all.

I would just like the helix height to be related to the length of the part because at the moment I can't use a parameter.

Thank you & have a nice day

A propeller is created via

if you define your propeller via height and not

and you know the length of your piece

you will just have to put the height = length of your room

and then you set the pace

See attached

I tried via an equation (= extrusion side) it doesn't work ;-(

@+ ;-)



Yes, you did exactly the same thing as me. 
And the fact that it doesn't work with an equation is precisely what I would like to know if it's possible.

Because the length of my part is configurable so the length of the propeller must follow.


but in one way or another even

if the length of the workpiece cannot be related to the length of the propeller 

you need another argument or ref 

either of steps or of revolution

so is it possible to manage this propeller correctly and well for me no

after my tests

Question Why do you need this?

On the other hand, you can do your propeller and an extrusion to a top

So if you change your helix height rating your part will also change

@+ ;-)



And yes it's possible, look at this post:

and chat it (video & piece)

Have a nice day


@ leblanc I don't want to put the souck in any way

but now you make your cone after making your propeller

So it's the height of the cone that is set via the propeller height

it comes back to what I said

so an extrusion to the top of this said propeller is the same

or I'm not awake ;-)

It's possible

@+ ;-)

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gt22, no the cone is made before the elice otherwise your solution would be the most coherent, but in any case it works both ways, and indeed it is easier to make the elice before and to make an extrusion to a vertex (if it is possible in the chronological sense).

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maybe but via your creation tree if I'm wrong your propeller is before the cone

since you use the dimension of the cone to create your equation

and then go back to the side of your propeller

at least on the video since I can't open your room with my prehistoric version ;-)

I'll have to try ;-)


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See attached...

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Ah, indeed it must be more complicated to understand, I had to invert functions in the tree structure without doing it on purpose.

No, in fact I know why, because it's the order of the sketches that counts, like an idio I did the cone revolution after creating the relations, so the order of the functions takes over that of the sketches... DSL

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@ leblanc no problem it was simply to try to clarify the subject ;-)


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Good evening

Am I late :)

@a.Leblanc: No need to add an equation, it's already there in the sketch equations.

On the other hand, what is really unfortunate is that we cannot, in the property manager, enter the equations...



A yes, in fact you get the dimensions directly in the equations window instead of selecting them on the screen.

On the other hand, adding a relationship between the two dimensions should automatically create an equation for you anyway, right?

Indeed it's a shame for the property manager.

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Yes, I take the dimensions directly in the equation window (simply because they are all grouped by functions, so there is no risk of crashing when selecting the dimensions on the model).

Yes, it creates an equation that is visible in the "Equations View" pane.

And yes, there are still a lot of functions where you can't enter equations on SW, maybe one day.