Is it possible to fill in the equation variables via Excel

Hi all.

I created an assembly in which I use the equations to modify the dimensions of my different parts and to control the repetitions.

I should point out that I know the part family function, but the use of equations seemed to me much simpler than the part family, especially in an assembly.

It works very well, but I would like to simplify the input for other users, today I am forced to go through the equation editor to modify the values.

Does anyone have an idea.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards.


PS: (Using SW 2014)



There's still this solution that you can link with your equation afterwards.étés-personnal

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See these tutorials: 4 min on property forms 50 min on property forms

Hello Sam.

You've already selected your favorite answer, but I want to tell you about another solution that might be right for you and that will allow you to automate other parts and assemblies within your company.

This is DriveWorksXpress, which is completely free and already available in your current version of SOLIDWORKS.

To learn a little more, you can read the following quick overview:

Or watch this video:

To put it simply, DriveWorksXpress allows you to design a form and a set of rules to link the information entered to your 3d models.

Kind regards


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Hello Thomas and thank you.

Indeed it seems to suit my needs.

I'm going to gossip because I don't know it at all.

Kind regards.