Is it possible to remove the student name on a solidworks plan?


I'd like to know if anyone has a trick to remove the name "Student edition of solidworks, Academic use only". This appears on all my plans even when I save in pdf, which is quite annoying when sending one of my plans to a client.

I am attaching a pdf file to better understand.



See this post:

Edit: this post seems to show that it is not possible so as not to use a student version for industrial purposes.



To my knowledge, this is not possible. You have to feel a little bit of the photoshop or similar.

But it's easy enough to modify.

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The one and only way is to take a screenshot of your drawing

and to convert the said copy 

Or save your drawing directly in pdf

@+ ;-)



Convert your plan to pdf, normally it works!

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Very well thank you all for your answers, sorry I didn't know that the question had already been raised.


Try View by doing, display ==>hide/show==> annotations and then click on them. 

A silly question, but the annotation can be moved??? If so, put it outside the MEP then you won't see it anymore when printing....

You can print in "image" format (jpeg, gif,...) and then with an image editing software like Paint, remove the annotation

@ac cobra, thank you for your answers but unfortunately the annotation is not visible directly on the drawing, it appears once printed or once the file is transformed into a pdf.

@alain. ERP, on a JPEG format the annotation was no longer a problem at this level but I will need to make it disappear from a pdf format. I tried with paint but it doesn't support the "PDF" format

I'm pretty sure I've had the case before and made it. Do you have a defpoint layer that won't print??? Because it seems to me that I had attributed this one to him or I had put the color white on it so that it would not be seen in print...

Exuse me but I don't know what a defpoint layer is.

Hi all

with LibreOffice Draw + the PDFImport extension, I get a good result.

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@FLOP1 Ho very good result! I will try its thank you very much!