Is it possible to have a Link for BOM bubbles with smartbom?


I realized that when I created a bill of materials table with smartbom for a drawing, I didn't have the right bubble corresponding to the Item No. column. Moreover I have the impression that it is a simple table with no link to the 3d (designation, name of the parts...). If we modify the 3d afterwards the table will not update: non-parameterized. Is this the case or is it a problem with the handling or configuration of smartbom? Being a former creo user I find this forum very good in french for users!!

Thank you for your answers


Thank you for your question.

Indeed, the tables generated by the SmartBom tool are not scalable if there is a modification of the 3D. It's like Excel or CSV export files.

If your 3D evolves, simply delete the generated tables and restart SmartBom to regenerate the tables. This is why it is necessary to remember the draft nomenclature.

Kind regards



Thank you for the answer. I understand the principle.

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