Previous state?

Hi all

I have the following message

The more I advance, the more coins  I put in with this status.
Refresh my memory because I always save the parts before recording the ASM when I leave SW or if I put myself on standby

How to make sure this doesn't happen anymore (except to check the "Don't show again" box)

Kind regards

Good evening

This is caused by files that do not have the resume bar at the end of the tree.

As long as the files are read-only, the recording is not done and the message is delivered each time it is opened.


Good evening @Cyril.f 

It wasn't that (in my case) but you put me on the path.

I had a function that I had deleted (but not deleted) I deleted this function and everything went back to normal.

I should have thought about it because for some time now I've noticed that functions deleted but not deleted were causing a stir. Don't ask me why ;-)   ;-)

I had made a mini tutorial to delete these functions (deleted but not deleted) en masse, but I don't remember if it was for any other reason than to leave clean design files.   ;-)

Kind regards