Display state cannot be removed with @


I removed all the display states in my assembly (I only have display state-1). However, when opening with the SolidWorks explorer, I have the choice of several display states with @ (see attached image).

Do you know where I can remove these "ghost" display states?


Thank you for your help




Have you checked if these display states are not linked?
right-click on the Name of the current display state (configuration tab at the bottom) and uncheck, if necessary, "Link display state" then delete the redundancies and unwanted display states.
As for the "@" symbols, I don't know what they mean there.

Subsidiary question: do you have several configurations? If so, are they managed with a Family of Parts?

Kind regards.


Hello Maclane,

Thank you for your answer.

I checked the remaining display state is not linked (also checked on the other configurations)

To answer your questions :
- No part family (a part family existed and was deleted)
- 3 configurations to date

I have the impression that the display state with the @ is an erroneous or temporary state (following a software crash?), because there is no trace under my assembly in SW.
Also, states with an @ have the same name as my current view state or deleted.

Thank you for your help.


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