3D display states do not match in the MEP

Hi all

Support SW2013 SP4.0

I have a fairly large assembly (about 1500 pieces) for which I have chosen, for the sake of readability and comprehension, to make several exploded pieces. So I created several configurations (12 in this case) corresponding to groupings (e.g. cowling, transmission, electrical, hydraulic...).

In each of these configurations, I then managed the appearances of each of the components (using "config-related" display states), i.e. everything I am interested in in the active configuration (and which will therefore be exploded) in bright red color and everything else in transparent black.

I then make my various exploded shots (12 as well). So far no problem but the problem is when I start my drawing in which I want to make a board per config, when I insert my assembly and I select the desired configuration and the associated display state, the latter does not correspond to what I have in the 3D (i.e. red and transparent black). It gives me the appearance of my default configuration!

I don't really understand the problem if someone has understood something (not easy to explain without being in front of the screen) and wants to give me their opinion. Thanks in advance


To illustrate my point.


To illustrate my point.



I don't know if I understood correctly but I would recommend you to right-click on your configuration and in the properties you assign a color (see p.1 attachment)

Once you're in your drawing, you choose the configuration of your assembly you need and you check that the display style is in "edge in shaded image mode" (see p2 or 3 of the attachment).

You can change it in the high sight or by clicking on your view, it appears on the left the properties of your selected view.


Give it a try and let me know if it meets your needs.


@ mickael.alves:


I did see this option in the config properties but the problem is that the selected color applies to all components and therefore does not meet my need to differentiate the elements to be exploded from the others.

I'm really in a problem related to the appearance because when I make configs by hiding certain components it works but when I play with colors and transparencies, it gets stuck without knowing why.

Thank you anyway.

Hello Tictic.


Unfortunately, I believe that there are no solutions to your problem. There would be an RPD on the issue (request for improvement).


Having a bit of the same configuration case as you, I only get out of it by tinkering and with a lot of luck.


In fact, I am forced to open my 3D in the right configuration and good display state at the same time as the drawing. As a result, in general (but with a few failures), the drawing follows its 3D.

This forces me to reopen the 3D every time I open the drawing. Yes, it's not practical masses!


For your information, I'm attaching the link to my own question on the subject  http://www.lynkoa.com/forum/configurations/piece-cache-plus-si-cachee-que-ca


I seem to have had this problem, so I created a display state by configuration. Be careful to link the display states to the configurations.

Good luck.





That's precisely the problem, I have a display state specific to each config and linked to this config but nothing helps.