Design study


I am having problems with the Design Study tool, my goal is to determine the dimensions of a blank part that would have an identical volume to its second pass (conical blank > 12-tooth head blank).

To do this, I would like to aim (in my design study) to be as close as possible to my second draft in volume. I started by creating 2 configurations, placing volume sensors, but when I change configuration my sensor adapts and changes value. I also tried to create 2 volume bodies to place a volume sensor on each of them but when I select but objective in my study window, I grab my conical draft body, then it but propose minimize/maximize/is exactly, I choose "is exactly" but I can only enter one value, I can't select my volume sensor from my 12-tooth blank (I can enter the find value with my sensor but I'd like it to do by itself in case of modification).

I also encounter a problem with the results, in the Optimal box it does not offer the closest value. On the attached photo I am offered number 1 as the optimal scenario but we can see that the n°3 is as close as possible.

My final goal is to determine my dimensions (height / diameter) of my conical blank using the volume of my 12-tooth blank

Thank you in advance for your answers



I don't want to say stupidity but shouldn't we reverse the imposed limit and the objective?



Possible but I still have my problem or I can't limit my volume compared to the volume of my 12-tooth blank

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