Evolution mycadplace?

We are at the end of March and there were supposed to be changes on mycadplace.

Do you have any news on this subject?


Thank you 

Hi @ brice

Can you expand your question?

@+ ;-)

Hello, the question is a bit vague yes...


Please specify =)

I think this question concerns the Lynkoa staff and they should know why this question is the ;)


It's a bit off topic but I think a post here would be nice: http://www.lynkoa.com/groupes/support-lynkoa

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Hello @brice.morales,


+1 for @Jose-accessa : questions about the operation of the site are to be asked in the support group: http://www.lynkoa.com/groupes/support-lynkoa


Regarding MyCADplace, there are indeed changes planned. The delivery date is not yet precisely defined, it should arrive by the end of April.


Please close this question after reading my answer.


Have a good day:)