Perform tasks during Archiving


Is it possible to start a task during archiving? I already launch some during validation, but for archiving I admit I don't know how to do it.

Thank you


For me, there are two methods for starting a task on Solidworks:

Perform a task on demand. Right-click on file -> go to the task

Running  a task at a change in flow.

What do you want to do in terms of archival tasks?





  • Running with a right click is ok, but not what I'm looking for
  • Run to a change of flow! It's change of state that you meant, isn't it?

Currently, as you may have understood, I launch a task by right-clicking that allows me to inherit the properties of the parent folder.

I want to integrate this task when the file is checked in right after the first creation.

I don't think it's possible to start a task on the archive.



This should be possible by breaking down the first state of your workflow into two distinct states with an "automatic" transition between the two, it is in this transition that you can put the actions to be done such as starting a task or updating variables or other. (see HERE)

Kind regards

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D.Roger is right, I haven't thought about it.

You can add tasks, define a variable in an automatic transition.



Otherwise with dispatch it's possible to add it to the trunk




You're right, except that I want to have it in the archive and not in a state that will be specific to the flow.

Unless I'm mistaken, I don't understand how to apply your technique.

I don't see in my feed where I can find the Archive and Extract state change


As long as the first archiving of the file is not done it is physically not in the vault so you cannot apply a task or an action related to Epdm, the principle given above is already to put the file in the vault by archiving and then to apply a certain number of operations automatically at the end of the first archiving. The operator must therefore choose to make the first archiving while keeping the extracted file.

If you know a thing or two about programming, all this can be done automatically through a single command (archiving, various actions, extraction, etc.)

Kind regards

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Right-click on the local file, and add to the vault.

This should put the file in the database without archiving.

Then the automatic transition will start normally, so a task if there is one.

I don't have access to EPDM today, I can't test


Has our feedback solved your problem?



Our files are in the safe when created, I don't need to right-click.

And I haven't figured out how to do that through DISPATCH yet

D. Roger and Yannick Petit are right: this is surely the right solution to make a task during the first archiving of the file.

A variant would be to make a double choice in terms of transitions: "classic" transition or "enhanced" transition with the macro in addition. But this means that the macro will only be able to launch between certain states of the workflow (unless you make double transitions between all the states but that seems cumbersome and probably useless)