Is there a module for designing a plant under SW?


Inventor has its own Factory module, e.g.

Thank you

Kind regards

To my knowledge, no

since you can create everything

You have a building to design and integrate what you need in it

or the opposite is up to you to put the walls on what you have created

then you can store everything, specific parts and create files, pumps, press, tower, table, pipes, etc....

and make assemblies and sub-assemblies

@+ ;-)

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There is the "large-scale design" module:


And see this link:


Where they talk on the 2nd tab of "Simplifying Process and Factory Design in 3D"


as @gt22.


That said, a module has been developed to be able to manage the implementation of many assemblies (machines), these are the SpeedPack (lightweight assembly configurations). They allow you to set up a factory in 3D with all the machines.


But the envelope, the building and its "amenities" will remain an assembly and parts.


There is also SolidPlant:

There is a trial version but I don't know the limitations.


See also:

If we haven't answered your question, what exactly is your need?

Thank you

Kind regards