DXF Export with SheetMetalManufacturing


I would like to be able to use SheetMetalManufacturing to export sheet metal DXFs of an assembly (or single part) without it combining them into a single file, I need each DXF separately!

Let me explain, I have 10 pieces numbered from 1 to 10. When I insert them into the software and check "Export a file by view" it renames the parts "Article-list-of-welded-parts1" then "Article-list of-welded-parts1(1)"...  

If I check "Group views by thickness in a single file" it keeps the first part number, in this case "1", BUT, I need each part unfolded separately...

Thank you for your help


It is possible to rename dxf thanks to the Name part (in filename) that must be set with a $ in front of the property names inserted in the part file.

E.g. "thickness" property and "name" property

So: $nom&$thickness

Will give the file name followed by the thickness

On the other hand I haven't yet found how to add the quantity present under SMM


Thank you for your answer after several months of waiting! 

However, I still can't get the right result.  

And I have an extra error (if by chance you know what it is) (pj1)

The parts still don't have the right name and now they are called "SMM", "SMM(1)", ....

I wanted to know if this was the place to put the $ (pj2)

Thanks again!


