Exporting a Solidworks Part


I have a problem with a part that I exported as a step for our supplier. He can't open the part (export in step and parasolid). For my part, I am on solidwoks 2016 but my supplier is on a 2008 and 2011 version so I don't have the possibility to give him the part as a native file.

Do you have a solution?

Thank you.

Ask your provider for the most recent version of Parasolid that they can export (in the export options)

Use the same or older one to send your coin to him.

Unlike the step or the iges, the parasolid has a versioning while the others always use the latest version.


Yes, good answer from @Pascal

Try in parasolid but in option version 12.0 (it's from 2008)

@ Nathalie_1: Does the step file open well at your home?


pascal: Thank you for your answer. I haven't heard from my supplier, so he probably managed to open it in version 12.0 of parasolid.


philippe8: Yes, the step opened well at home and on my boss's solidworks too.

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