DXF export of unfolded with sketch

Hello to the whole community.

For only 2 days, I have been discovering Solidworks and am in charge of workflow optimization processes in which Solidworks generates DXF files upstream  that I then use in layout machines or others.
In this process, we use an unfolded function with integration of folding lines and sketches. For folding lines, no problem at first glance.

For the sketch, most of the time, it appears on export when we have only one part in the working file but it is no longer exported when we have several parts, which, of course, happens most often. Or maybe this problem happens for some other reason that escapes me. It seems that the layer is generated but it remains empty and no sketch is exported... We are using Solidworks 2020 and the option to update for 2022 is possible but not in the coming days.

Is there a magic incantation to stabilize this problem?

Thank you all