Export model cv5 to sw for foldable recognition

I am looking to be able to export a CV5 model in any format, to SW, so that we can make a bendable recognition (sheet metal) and to be able to modify the bending radii.

My supplier works with SW and he has to make this adaptation so that the bend losses match his bending tools.

If we can't fit this value, it rebuilds the model in SW..... or it starts from the DXF of Catdrawing.......


Is there a particular feature in SW? Is there a particular method in CV5 to make the radius modification available to SW?


Thanks in advance



What version of SolidWorks is there?


With the most recent versions:

Export the model in IGES or STEP format, then in SolidWorks it is possible to use function recognition:



Or the conversion to sheet metal (I don't think it works with an IGES or STEP):






SW function recognition only works from the Pro version.

In addition, the recognized functions are very basic (a fillet instead of a bent sheet for example, is recognition and not conversion).


I don't see a real solution to do pure function recognition (function to function).




If the recovery of the IGES or the WWTP (or other) gives a consistent result, i.e. a volume with a constant thickness and fillet (radii) that is also constant, there is nothing particular to be expected in SW. Simply launch the "Convert to Sheet Metal" function. On the other hand, if the thickness is not constant, you have to create a surface by converting the faces on the same side, then do a "Thicken" function, then hide the source density and run the "Convert to Sheet Metal" function. If, on the other hand, the shelves are not constant, there is more work to be done!


Kind regards


Indeed, you need the PRO version.


On the other hand, the recognition of sheet metal functions exists, here is the list according to the help of SolidWorks 2012 (as I said, for the most recent versions):


Sheet metal. The Automatic Features check box displays sheet metal features. Choose from the following options to customize Automatic Feature Recognition:
Bent-base sheet
Sketched Fold
Crushed Fold
Edge-bent sheet metal
Fixed Face You must select a Fixed  Face to recognize sheet metal features.

Certainly the function exists to convert into sheet metal, however, between SW's help and reality, there is a certain gap. 

The SW recognition function is clearly not the best available, the software is not looking to CONVERT but to find the equivalent.


So yes for the jmsavoyat solution which consists of converting the volume into sheet metal after converting it, but I remain much more skeptical about the direct conversion of STEP/IGES into sheet metal (after having tested it of course). 


Good luck

For the playback of CATIA files you can request a test of the datakit tool.

Datakit has a gateway that can recognize and generate functions in SolidWokrs. I don't remember if this tool recognizes sheet metal functions. but it can be interesting to ask for a demo license to do the test...


For more information http://www.datakit.com/fr/

You can also contact Axemble who resells this tool.

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an important point is the provision of bend tables in the Solidworks parameterization ACCORDING TO THE TOOLS 


Without this, there will be a risk of error on the unfolded calculations.


Kind regards

Hello Fab,

I presented my request to Datakit. I will be sure to keep you informed of the result.

Thanks for the advice


See my tutorial again, it will surely help you. A little late............


It is possible to recover parts from a step and transform them into sheet metal. On the other hand, sometimes you have to cheat a little in order to have a feasible unfolded, remove some material, do some notching...

But otherwise it is done quite well and even if the radius of the step is 2mm when you transform the part into solidworks, the bending radius is modifiable according to the parameters you choose.

A few years ago now, I proceeded in this way with a customer who provided us with all his assemblies in a multibody step and we had to carry them out in sheet metal and or mechanical work,  depending on the parts.

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She dates this question! not sure Bob still has the need?


Dixit: Is there a particular method in CV5?

I assume the SMD Sheet Metal Design  sheet metal  module was not used?

To put all the chances during a sheet metal reconnaissance (I'm talking for CATIA but it must be the same in SW).

The part must comply with the business rules:

  • Constant sheet thickness.
  • Mini bending radius. 
  • Remove the stampings type strikes It is your best to redo them after recognition.

Generally speaking, we provide a STEP file of the complete design intention and a file that has been simplified (only what can be recognized) the shapes of cuts and the folds without deformation.