Bill of Materials to Excel export

Hi all

The goal is to automatically create via a VBA macro a name in an assembly, export it to an Excel file whose name will be the part file name + a custom property. Finally, the macro must delete the BOM created.

We don't have My Cad tools - Solidworks Prenium



It looks a lot like a job ad lol


Otherwise have you started to look at the macro recorder?


Kind regards


Do you already have a piece of code to show us? 


1 Like


Look at the attached macro, normally everything is there (a bit loose and without security checks). Change at least the lines:

TemplateName = "Z:\Model_SW\Nomenclature.sldbomtbt"

Configuration = "Default"

If vPropNames(K) = "CARTOONIST" Then

To put the path to your BOM template, the name of your default configuration in your asms and the name of your custom property you want in the file name.

Kind regards


Thank you for your answer d.roger, the macro works, only small problem, when I put the custom property where you told  me the value of the property is not returned in the filename. I have the impression that the line creating the name of the file in the macro, there is no reminder of the property, I tried to add it but the tests are not conclusive on this side.


You have to replace the 2 lines:

Set config = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration

Set cusPropMgr = config. CustomPropertyManager

that retrieve the value requested in the active configuration by:

Set cusPropMgr = swModelDocExt.CustomPropertyManager("")

which will retrieve the value in the "Customize" tab

Kind regards


Perfect by making this modification the macro works as I wanted. Just to improve is it possible to save the spreadsheet in the same folder as the assembly.


Yes it's possible, you replace the line:

path = About("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\" & Left(swModel.GetTitle, Len(swModel.GetTitle) - 7) & "-" & PropertyName & ".xlsx"


path = Left(swModel.GetPathName, Len(swModel.GetPathName) - 7) & "-" & PropertyName & ".xlsx"

Kind regards

1 Like


If you also want to give your Excel file a bit of a layout, you can add rows like for example:


NumCol = swBOMAnnotation.ColumnCount
NumRow = swBOMAnnotation.RowCount

xlApp.Worksheets(xlApp.ActiveSheet.Name).Rows(1).RowHeight = 40
For I = 1 To NumRow - 1
    xlApp.Worksheets(xlApp.ActiveSheet.Name).Rows(I + 1).RowHeight = 20
Next I
For J = 0 To NumCol - 1
    xlApp.Worksheets(xlApp.ActiveSheet.Name).Columns(J + 1).ColumnWidth = 25
    xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, J + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
Next J

For I = 0 To NumRow - 1
    For J = 0 To NumCol - 1
        xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(I + 1, J + 1).NumberFormat = "@"
        xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(I + 1, J + 1).VerticalAlignment = 2
        sht.Cells(I + 1, J + 1).Value = swBOMAnnotation.Text(I, J)
    Next J
Next I​

Instead of:

NumCol = swBOMAnnotation.ColumnCount
NumRow = swBOMAnnotation.RowCount

For I = 0 To NumRow
    For J = 0 To NumCol
        sht.Cells(I + 1, J + 1).Value = swBOMAnnotation.Text(I, J)
    Next J
Next I

The line:

xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(I + 1, J + 1). NumberFormat = "@"

is especially interesting if you have numerical values starting with 0 because it puts the Excel cell in text format and therefore avoids losing the 0 at the beginning.

Kind regards

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First of all, thank you for sharing, it's really great to find information of this quality here!

I'm trying to set up the BOM export macro; Unfortunately I can't get it to work.

I get the message "Runtime error 91 Object variable or block variable with not defined" on the following lines:

Set swBOMAnnotation = swModelDocExt.InsertBomTable3(TemplateName, 0, 0, BomType, Configuration, False, swNumberingType_Detailed, True)
Set swBOMFeature = swBOMAnnotation.BomFeature


Do you have any idea what could be a problem?

Thanks in advance!


The coincidence is that I'm working on automatic nomenclature and this macro comes just in time. I just have one problem, which is that it retrieves information on first-level  parts and not on parts in an  assembly or sub-assembly of sub-assembly of assembly etc.

Is there a solution?

Thank you

May the force be with you.


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Hello OBI WAN,

Yes there is a solution, you replace the line "BomType = swBomType_TopLevelOnly" with "BomType = swBomType_Indented", this should put the nomenclature in multi-level.

Kind regards

1 Like

Hello S.Descamps,

Have you correctly replaced the path to your BOM template in the line "TemplateName = "Z:\Model_SW\Nomenclature.sldbomtbt""?

Or the name of the configuration with a valid configuration in the line "Configuration = "Default""?

Kind regards

1 Like

Hello,  yes @ d.roger  it's perfect.

A big thank you to you:)

the force is with you.




I can't download the macro mentioned by @d.roger :cry:
Does anyone know why?

Thanks in advance!

I think it's related to the fact that the file is on the old url of the site. Not secure so the browser freezes (at least that's what happens at home)


I don't have any problems downloading it (Firefox?) here it is (again):
insert-bom-asm.swp (77.5 KB)

and if it really doesn't work, here is the " Typescript " version:

Option Explicit

Sub main()

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet

With xlApp
    .Visible = True
    Set wbk = .Workbooks.Add
    Set sht = wbk.ActiveSheet
End With

Dim swApp                   As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel                 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swModelDocExt           As SldWorks.ModelDocExtension
Dim swBOMAnnotation         As SldWorks.BomTableAnnotation
Dim swBOMFeature            As SldWorks.BomFeature
Dim boolstatus              As Boolean
Dim BomType                 As Long
Dim Configuration           As String
Dim TemplateName            As String

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension

TemplateName = "Z:\Model_SW\Nomenclature.sldbomtbt"
BomType = swBomType_TopLevelOnly
Configuration = "Défaut"
Set swBOMAnnotation = swModelDocExt.InsertBomTable3(TemplateName, 0, 0, BomType, Configuration, False, swNumberingType_Detailed, True)
Set swBOMFeature = swBOMAnnotation.BomFeature

swModel.ForceRebuild3 True

Dim NumCol As Long
Dim NumRow As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long

NumCol = swBOMAnnotation.ColumnCount
NumRow = swBOMAnnotation.RowCount

For I = 0 To NumRow
    For J = 0 To NumCol
        sht.Cells(I + 1, J + 1).Value = swBOMAnnotation.Text(I, J)
    Next J
Next I

boolstatus = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2(swBOMFeature.GetFeature.Description, "BOMFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)

swModel.ForceRebuild3 True

Dim config As SldWorks.Configuration
Dim cusPropMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager
Dim lRetVal As Long
Dim ValOut As String
Dim ResolvedValOut As String
Dim wasResolved As Boolean
Dim nNbrProps As Long
Dim vPropNames As Variant
Dim vPropTypes As Variant
Dim vPropValues As Variant
Dim resolved As Variant
Dim custPropType As Long
Dim K As Long
Dim NomProperty As String

Set config = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration
Set cusPropMgr = config.CustomPropertyManager

nNbrProps = cusPropMgr.Count
vPropNames = cusPropMgr.GetNames
For K = 0 To nNbrProps - 1
    cusPropMgr.Get2 vPropNames(K), ValOut, ResolvedValOut
    custPropType = cusPropMgr.GetType2(vPropNames(K))
    If vPropNames(K) = "DESSINATEUR" Then
        NomProperty = ResolvedValOut
    End If
Next K

Dim chemin As String
chemin = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\" & swModel.GetTitle & "-" & NomProperty & ".xls"

With xlApp
    wbk.SaveAs chemin
End With

End Sub

Kind regards.

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On this link it works. On the original one on Edge, it generates an error related to the security of the download.

:grin:Well, that's it... Are there people who use " Edge "!! :grin:

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No choice :wink: