How do I get an export without degrading the original drawing?
Thank you for your help.
Hello @spectrum
I very often export MEP to PDF without any problem.
In SW with a file named riquiqui.mep
Personally I save as and I choose the PDF extension without deleting the old extension ==> OK and presto, it appears in the PDF wiever.
In the folder I now have riquiqui.mep and riquiqui.pdf
obviously I don't use any third-party conversion software since SW does it very well.
Maybe I misunderstood the question
Kind regards
No worries either, just adjust the quality of the pdf in the options:
If necessary, increase the 200 DPI to 360 or more (increase the size of the pdf)
Hello sbadenis,
It's superb! Thank you very much for the solution transmitted.
Kind regards.
Hello Zozo_mp,
Thank you for the feedback, I have lines ... and more parts...
Kind regards.