Export a 'filled' DWG to Pdf

Hi all

I have only recently started working with Draftsight. I just exported a 'colored' dwg drawing in pdf. Only the circles are totally pixelated. The result is a shape of a staircase in a circle. In other words, the circle is not filled at all :-(.

Will anyone have a trick to refine the pixels? Or is this program not suitable for rounded filling?

I'm attaching the plan to you in the PC.

Thank you for your help.



In the "Export PDF" window, check the box "Customize bitmap resolution" and try with the value 300.

You should see a difference.


Hello PhilippeB,

Thank you for your answer. This has indeed improved the filling.

Thank you for putting my answer as a "best answer" but why did you remove it right away? Mishandling?

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