Exporting a SW2015 spline to Pro/Engineer

Good evening everyone,

I'm facing a problem: I'm being asked to switch a 2D spline that I drew on SolidWorks 2015 to Pro/Engineer. Only the few solutions I tried didn't work. I tried to save a sketch in P/E format or in STEP or IGS but I can't find the exact profile of this spline.

Do you have a solution to help me?

Thank you


If you create a block for your sketch 

just transfer this block 

See this link




A DXF recording of the plane of the spline should be usable on Pro-E afterwards


Perhaps, before export, the spline should be expressly constrained (tangencies, control polygon, etc.)

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Thank you for your answers!

I have already fully constrained the spline. I'll try to send it to dxf.

Have a nice day

Edit: The DXF format cuts my spline into several lines that are not the polygon of the spline but a cut as close as possible to it.


Have you checked in the DXF export and import options that the splines are converted to splines and not to polylines

There is an option when exporting in pro/e. I guess there must be the same in SW.


Yes, I tried to change from spline to polyline but nothing helped.

Would you be able to recover a spline by converting it to a crv file? (On SW2015)

For the CRV file, I don't know.

Otherwise, if it doesn't work by transferring the spline directly, maybe you should only pass a characteristic point cloud and redo the spline in pro/e?