Extracting the weights of a part with multiple configurations

Hi everyone

Let me explain the subject:
We model toric parts (custom washers) whose inner diameter changes in my configurations (31 configs per type of washer)
I am trying to extract in a drawing table, the mass of each configuration (see attached photo)

I would like this file to be used for other washers, and follow when I do " replace the model "
I'm open to any solution
I tried with property bindings, VBA (I'm not a VBA exper)

Thank you

For me if you choose the right material with the right density, the mass property should update itself according to the configuration (size & density) chosen)


Hello antony.weiss,
And I will also add with the answer of sbadenis, to go to the properties of the part or assembly, to update the grounds for each configuration so as not to have any surprises in your MEPs.
Here's a screenshot:

Good luck.

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In my opinion, instead of the general table, insert an excel parts family table
With a mass property
It reproduces easily for the other pieces,
Make an assembly (bedouille) and insert a part for each configuration (manually or with simple macro), then with a BOM table retrieve the properties



Welcome to us, can you share your file to see how it is designed as well as the properties it has to best provide you with a solution

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I have the right material with our density calculate on site, which is applied on each configuration, but I would like these values to be displayed in my table no matter which part I insert in the drawing

In this case make a family of parts as advised @Lynkoa15 , in this table add the ground property. And add your room family table in your MEP


In fact I am only looking to recover the mass of each configuration for the material cost, but without having to open each configuration and have "evaluate/mass property"

So you create your family of parts and you look at the weight in your family or you print it (excel file) no need to insert it on your plan!

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Awesome sbadenis! I thought that the family of coins was only used to assign values and not to be able to retrieve them. Could you tell me how to do it? I found something with "$SW-MASS" but it's to assign a value not to get it back

Look at the 2nd link in @Lynkoa15's post

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That's why I asked to have the part and see how it was designed to assign the mass to each configuration via the configuration table.

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I tried with what you tell me but no result :confused:

Do you have a property already created, which takes up the mass.
for me the Mass property has already been created in my model files and takes over the Solidworks Mass property
2nd column click on the arrow and mass selection.
Then it can be retrieved via the part family.

So it's up to you to create this property in your room if it's not already the case and then you get its value back in your painting

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Yes, I created the mass property in the room, but no results are displayed in the room family.
Do I have to open each configuration for the result to be displayed?

Indeed, you have to leave the box empty for the mass to be calculated (otherwise you force it).
So it is impossible to display the table afterwards even in a drawing (the column remains empty)
The workaround is to create an assembly, insert each configuration into it, and extract a BOM with the configuration name and mass...
For the mass to be accurate, you have to make sure that each config has been rebuilt.
Example with 2 configurations:


Attached is a piece with configuration with the weight.
Weight test. SLDPRT (82.3 KB)


On my side it works (pj-SW22)

Pièce1_CONF.zip (276.6 KB)
<<<< if you add a configuration, the " * " symbol indicates that a rebuild is required>>>>