Extract files put in the design log



I have been using the design log in Solidworks parts for several months. I add a lot of documents such as manuals, plans when they are parts from suppliers or the different versions of plans in PDF when these are machined parts. When I finish assembling my business I do the pack and go for archiving. I would like to extract the files that are encapsulated in each of the parts so that I can build a base for people who don't have Solidworks. Is this possible? I searched a lot without result.

thank you in advance, 



The design log is a Word    document. Docx

It can be found, as you know, in the Design Workbook folder in the FeatureManager authoring tree. Also accessible with the file explorer in the task pane, under >dossier_d installation>\lang\i>language>\, journal.docx.

Being accessible separately like office files, it is ready for distribution as is or in PDF after saving in format. This with the pack  and go which can group you only WORD files or simply with the file manager.

Kind regards



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Thank you for your answer. I made a mistake by confusing the words newspaper and binder. I give an example with an image.

I have a store-bought lens here that I integrate into my product. The supplier provides me with a PDF plan of this perspective. Today, I'm dragging the supplier's plan into the design binder. At the end of my project, when I close it. That I do the pack to go. Converting drawings to PDFs. Etc. Is it possible to automatically extract all PDFs, PowerPoint, etc.? which have been put in the different design binders? To feed the project documentation. 

Sub findAttachments()

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim swModel As ModelDoc2

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc


    Dim a As Variant, item As Variant

    Dim links As Variant


    a = swModel.Extension.GetAttachments(links)

    For Each item In a

        Debug.Print item

        OpenFileInExternalViewer CStr(item)

    Next item

End Sub


Function OpenFileInExternalViewer(filePath As String)

   Dim Shex As Object

   Set Shex = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

   Shex.Open (filePath)

End Function

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Hi all

I want to do the same thing as Pepino, I have an assembly of standard parts, and at the end of the project I would like all the PDFs inserted in the design log of the different parts, to be extracted automatically and added in the same folder.

When I run the YP69 macro, nothing happens.

Thank you

Hello maximus,

the YP69 macro works very well if we take it for what it is supposed to do, namely to show the functions that must be used to make a more complete macro allowing to export the parts inserted in the design workbook ... As it stands, it allows you to open, with the program defined by default in  Windows, the files inserted in the part or the first-level assembly loaded in SW.

Kind regards

Hi d.roger. 

So I can't get it to work. I have copied/pasted the text into a new macro but nothing happens. I'm newbi on macros, I never use them