Extrude a projection under catia

Hi all

As an occasional user of catia, I am faced with a problem that I cannot solve despite the many avenues explored.

I'd like to make a 3mm rib that follows the sketch on the attached image.

I've already  tried a rib of course, either it crashes or it makes a rib that doesn't follow the surface at all, I also tried in the Generative shape design workshop to create a surface by cutting with my projection and to come back to  part design to put a shell, an extra thickness, but without result.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Extruding, this will not work, in PART design you can only extrude profiles or flat surface.

In your screenshot your projection seems to be a rectangle originally, so you're looking for a very simple rib (a profile swept along a course?

This is the rib function of PART design is suitable but you have to give it a reference surface if you want the sweep not to twist.


Thank you for your advice, but as already said in my message, it doesn't work:

In image 1 when selecting the bottom surface, the rib stops at the edge of the surface, and in image 2 I selected the next surface and the result is even worse, and it gets even worse if I select the 3rd surface where the guide curve passes.

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Here is image 2


Hello, the result is normal since as indicated by the reference surface option, the surface must cover the path, if you observe carefully, you will see that I did an extraction with continuity in tangency to have a continuous surface under the whole path (the projection).

After you work in hybrid mode, hence the greater rigidity of CATIA in the construction chronology of the GSD elements, the extraction of the reference surface must be created before the sweep curve and the rib profile.

I'm in V5-6R2017 if you the equivalent or SUP I can attach my file.


Excuse me but I didn't understand what I had to do to solve my problem.

The ref surface must cover the entire guide curve, in your case you selected with the mouse the surface of the solid so CATIA does not take the continuity , it just selects the Tile "Extrusion.1\face.18" or for image 2  "Extrusion.1\face.7".

You have to go to the surface workshop to do an extraction with tangent continuity to have the complete surface (be careful to have the active work object before your guide curve and your profile).

In the command for ref surface you select The extraction you just did (In the graph) not in the graphics window.


A screenshot of the extraction function, I'm in normal mode, so in my case the surface elements are under a geometric set, and since it's not ordered, the order of creation doesn't matter.


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I tried the extraction function, but if I do like you by selecting the bottom face as an element to extract, only this face becomes green, and my problem remains the same

If I select the next face, here it is:

The bottom face is not selected with it, why does it show "tangency discontinuity"?

yet the sketch of my basic extrusion is isoconstrained

You have a PB of tangency CATIA indicates it to you by the panel on ! and tells you the edge in question you must have the tangency symbols (two parallel lines) between the bottom segment and the two spokes.

That's it works I got there thanks to your help, thank you again for everything and especially for your patience