Extrusion in an invisible assembly



I have an assembly of a few parts, and when I create a sketch to do an extrusion, nothing happens and I have no defects in displaying ??!!!


If anyone has an idea, I'll take it with pleasure....

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Either you are in complex assembly mode (see the bottom of the screen on the left) and in this case you have to deactivate it, or the sketches are in hidden mode in the glasses at the top in the middle of the working fan.


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Thank you coyote,


I'm not in complex assembly mode, I just checked.

In any case, my sketches are visible and the action is done well but without results...

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For your information, I'm putting a screenshot of my situation...........

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I don't think I understood your problem.

What is not working, the removal of material is not done?




I have a question, why do you do the subtraction in the assembly and not in the part?

May the force be with you

Coyotte: Yes, the removal of material is not done (usually I have no problem)

obi: I do it in the assembly because we make our plans following the manufacturing range

1-We assemble the virolles

2-we make the different piercings

etc... and to have the plans that follow step by step our ranges...

or I would have to make different configurations... What surprises me is that I've been doing this for a long time and it's the first time I've had this PB.


And you don't have any error messages?

Are your ferrules good in volume?



yes no error messages... sheet metal parts


Can you make a "take-away composition" of your blend? So that we can open your assembly with all the parts.

On my basic question I left my assembly

Yes, but an assembly without parts you can't do anything.

May the force be with you

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Is it better?!!!


No, you have to make a composition to take with you by choosing to save in a zip (arboresecne flat while you're at it) and post this zip.


Now you only put the sldasm file without the sldprt.. Make a zip  file of the folder with your parts and assembly. There we will be able to see something.

sorry, not too used to....


I hope it will work!!



That's what I was saying, the ferrules are on the surface, I'm looking at why.


Edit: a priori it's when you fold up after all your material removals, can't you make your cuts directly on the 3D model without doing an "Unfolded"?

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For me the problem is in the part SPC-050A-CU502-1_TOLE OF CM FERRULE , Enlev. mat.-Extru.8 you do a material removal of 0.1, necessarily when you fold the sheet metal you have overlapping faces. Edit is it works either delete or increase the value.


May the force be with you



Ok I found your material removal in your ferrules must be in "through everything" because if you keep "bound to the thickness" during folding there is deformation and the hole no longer opens, hence the problem.


Edit: Actually it's @OBI WAN that's right, it's only the removal of material 8 to 0.1 that is the problem