Expansion to various surfaces


a colleague's little glue!

He drew a kinder surprise type shape (the yellow box). Below that, a plane with a circle. The goal is to extrude the circle to the kinder, so that the material comes in tangency at all points. Attached is an image to give you an idea.

If anyone has an idea... :)



I'm not sure exactly what I do, but you can maybe make a dividing line in the middle of the revolution shape (Insertion, Curve, Dividing Line using a plane and the faces that intersect it), then make a volumetric smoothing of your sketch on the edges created by the dividing line.



If you do an extrusion up to the front, but the plane must be slightly offset... Hence the 2 plans in my construction...



Just create an extrusion of the circle and choose as the end condition "all the way to the surface", right?



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Not understood either. A simple extrusion does the job.



Okay, if the circle sketched is smaller than the right part of the cylinder but if the latter is bigger, then the extrusion must project on 3 surfaces (the right part of the cylinder and the 2 fillets, and that's what @ICRIT I think. So extruding to the surface doesn't work.

It would be necessary to be able to sew the 3 faces (the right part of the cylinder and the 2 fillets) so that they form only one and then do  the extrusion to the surface

Is this the desired result:

In case that's what you want:

To do this, you have to make a 180° revolution, create a plane and a circular sketch at the desired location and then make a smoothing with a tangent continuity as the end condition.

Attached file in 2015


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Name of the pipe, I've been answering for 2x and it doesn't go through!!!

So I was saying... A simple extrusion to the body should be enough.

If you're in volume, the simplest is extrusion 'up to the body' (practical, it works all  the time if your body is bigger than your circle).

If your revolution shape is in surface it should not work because you have 3 faces. So you have to use the 'stitched surface' function with the 3 sides which then allows you to make an extrusion to the stitched surface you just created