Render Datum Planes in 3D as Centerlines


I have an assembly with several components. (Building + equipment in the building).

I want to bring out 3D reference planes in the drawings in the form of axes and in very precise views.

I tried by importing objects from the model but I can't get it to appear only the planes I want, it's all or nothing.

Does anyone have a solution or could explain to me how to use the tool correctly?

Thank you in advance.


To display the plans, you have to go to the tree manager (the tree on the left) and on the view on which you want to display the plans, expand with the + and right-click to display.

Model objects are used to display sketch objects primarily.

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Have you tried to hide unwanted plans in your plan tree?

I must not have been precise enough in my request.

I manage to "show/hide" the 3D plans in my drawing via the treemanager.

My problem is that I want to import specific planes, so that in my drawing they appear as an axis line.

I can import all the shots, but not just one or two.

Thank you

PJ: A screenshot to explain my problem:


Sorry, a priori no solution except to create a sketch line which is constrained on these plans.

No solution for the moment.