Spawn a coin in zero quantity


I need to show a part with a quantity of 0 in a BOM.
Knowing that I can't tinker with the nomenclature (to force the quantity, for example) since it goes into EPDM afterwards.

Did you have the problem?
How did you solve it?

Hello see this link


Excluding Assembly Components from a BOM

To exclude BOM assembly components:

  1. In the assembly document, right-click the component and select Component Properties.
  2. In the Component Properties dialog box, select Exclude from BOM, and then click OK.

    You can decompose subassemblies and combine identical objects in BOMs.




I don't think that's what stefbeno wants. He wants the part to appear in the nomenclature but with a quntity of 0.

Exclusion from nomenclature will supremit it.


Exactly, Remrem

In file/property you have a location at the top left "quantity in nomenclature"

If you set the value to 0, your part will be 0 in all your nomenclatures.

If you want to be able to choose, you will have to make a config and only assign the value 0 in this config



@Pascal: interesting, I didn't know, but (otherwise it would be too simple), it means that whatever the assembly the quantity will be forced. Unfortunately I need to control the quantity displayed for each assembly.

@stefbeno : yes the quantity will be forced in all the assemblies.

That's why I suggest you make a configuration of your part where the quantity will be zero and keep the default configuration where the quantity is not forced.

The property can be configured to the config (personally, I use it for linear meters)


Well done, great tip.


Since I was recently asked the question, I'm going to give a little information that should avoid sleepless nights or stress...

There is a bug in the management of the property related to the quantity of the BOM. This bug has the effect of assessing an alpha value or a value of 0 as equal to 1

This is the SPR 590863: Zero "0" quantity (QTY) in Custom Properties is shown in Bill of Materials (BOM) as 1

At the time of posting , this bug is still not fixed.

Another detail, if the part on which you force the quantity is present several times in the assembly, the quantity indicated will be multiplied by the number of occurrences of the part.

For example, if your part is present 4 times and you have forced the quantity to 100, you will have a quantity of 400 in the BOM... But that, on the other hand, is logical:)

Have a nice day
