Make the face plane of a part coincide with that of the assembly


How do you make the face plane of an assembly coincide with that of the first imported part?

Thanks in advance


Normally if you right-click on the 1st piece, you can release it and position it as you want.

+1 and to complete this is what the (f) in front of the name of the piece represents.
(f)= frozen part (like all the first assembly parts)

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Good evening
When the first part is slipped into the assembly, it is sufficient to "place" it on the origin of the assembly so that the front/right/top planes are the same for the part and the assembly.


Inspired by Cobra, once the piece is freed, I constrain each plane of the piece with the corresponding one of the assembly.

Fuz3d, thanks for the tip, I didn't know, by the way, is there a table for this kind of sign?

Cyril, great, it works.

For the "table" of memory signs, it's in the help (I'll check on Monday).
Otherwise basic:
(f): fixed
(-): free (at least one degree of freedom)
Nothing: totally constrained

By default instead of selecting the origin or a plane and dropping the part.
All you have to do is validate on the V (in green next to the red cross) in the left window and it superimposes by default the origin of the assembly on that of the imported part (and therefore the plans)

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There is a simpler way: put a coincidence between the 2 origins

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To complete:
(+): overstressed


great, thank you again