Make a Chenfrein on a Curved Plane

Hi all

I'm not a CAD expert, I use it for work for simple parts, except that today I'm a bit stuck in my design...

As you'll see in the PC, I'd like to do the same thing as room A but on room B, a kind of "point" along the length... (in blue)

Could you guide me?

Thank you in advance,



You can use the "Scan" function by sketching on a plane normal to your curved edge and then making a fillet between the 3 faces. On the other hand, you have small radii (R0.25 and 0.5 fillet). Are these rays necessary from the beginning in your sketch1? As a general rule, it is better to reserve this function at the end of the design and to perform a "Leave" function. View attached file (SW2016)

Kind regards


I think @ jmsavoyat

to give the right walkthrough

@+ ;-)


As @jmsavoyat rightly pointed out, the problem comes from the holidays, which are in the outline of the first function.
By removing them, a simple chamfer function on the 2 edges passes without any problem.

All you have to do is redo the leave last with the appropriate function.


Thank you so much to everyone, that's what I was looking for! I'll know how to do it for next time then;)

So I followed your advice, I did all the chamfers at the end!

See you soon!