Make a cut on a unfolded



I'm in the middle of a small personal project, but I'm stuck on a step.


It's a piece of sheet metal, but the thing is that when unfolding, some sides collide.


So I want to make a cut on my "unfold" state of my piece. But since the cut goes over folds, I think that's why Sw doesn't want to do the cut.


Do you have a tip?


I attach the screen print.

Thank you!





You can try unfolding the folds to make your cut, and not use the unfolded state.

To unfold:


I think it's just a problem of the order of the functions:

you should not use the "Unfold" function (with the assent) (circled in green) but the "unfold" function with a Rrrrr (circled in red).

So you unfold all the folds, cut it out and then fold it over (with the icon next to it, no I'm not talking about your neighbor).


edit: grill by .PL, the time to make 2 tries...


And yes, you posted the same thing 3 minutes after me!

What an idea to go eat too! ;-)

Read my question again, and you'll see that I use the "Unfold" function


That's not the problem.


Be careful to read the question carefully, before answering everything =)


Thank you!

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Wouldn't it be better for you to make a half piece, unfold, cut what is extra and then fold and symmetrize the body?


Or simply make a foldable volume, you would save time... :D just kidding, you have more to teach me about SW sheet metal than the other way around:)


Edit: Is there a way to see the folded part? Sounds nice about your subject... :)

However, it says "unfolded state" on your screen print!

As Benoit.LF indicated, a symmetry could do the trick in this case!

Thank you all for your answers.

@.PL: It's true that on my screen print, it's marked "unfolded state", it's actually the name that solidworks gave to my "unfold state". In short, all this to say, that I am in a good state of unfolding "er".


@Benoit: I've been on it for 2 days looking for the right solution^^ I'd like to let you see the folded part, but I'd like to finish it before =) (professional secret^^)

All I can tell you is that it will look like this (see image)


Yes, I had thought about making a foldable part =) lol, but I can't do it, there's always an edge that touches....^^ good seen the blind :p






So you're in a unfolded state?

To make the cut you want, you don't have to be in a unfolded state! But use a different function to unfold the folds one by one! (see the link in my first link or this video

Well sorry if you had already understood, but it seems not!

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I'm in a state of unfolding!


Not unfolded but unfolded.


So I'm in a state of unfolding. I'm not in a unfolded state =)

 I also attach the tree so that you can show you.

I can't be clearer =)


And in this state you can't cut your piece? (Question from a fool who doesn't have the mastery of sheet metal work:) )

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OK, well then do your material removal (cutting) right after the "Unfold" function and when the "Fold" function is reactivated the folds will no longer overlap.

Kind regards

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@Benoit, don't say anything bad about yourself, others will take care of it for you =)


We all have our strengths, and in sheet metal work, I'm far from being a beast.


In fact, I manage to cut my piece in this unfolding state. but as soon as the cut touches a bend line, the function doesn't want to be done...


Small tip, but I'm really lazy and it's not very practical.


It's to get the unfold state, export it to dxf, import it back into Sw, modify it with the cuts you want. Then convert it into sheet metal by adding folds etc...


in some cases it works, but here, in my opinion, it's a bit tedious^^


Thank you Ben!

Ok, for me the "unfold" state doesn't exist that's why I didn't understand!

For me, it's the unfold function (as you rightly indicated in your first answer!)

@jm and Pl: I agree with you, but try it for yourself. Personally, as soon as it touches a bend line, Sw tells me that it will create a part of zero thickness, or other error messages

So turn off your volume when it's still folded!? Laborious, and not easily configurable, but you will have your unfolded.


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This is the overlap of matter that SW does not know how to handle.

It is therefore necessary to do 2 cutting operations by first unfolding one of the sides, making the cut, folding it and the same for the second.


Well, after several hours of brain tug-picking, I finally succeeded!


In fact I don't really know the how or why, but since last night I've been doing the same things, and now by magic, it works. (I guess Sw must be bugging from time to time on this sheet metal module...^^)


Solution: It is preferable to remove material before using the "Fold" function, and not to use the recovery bar. Then, the outline of the sketch that will be used for the removal of material must always be closed. This allows you to select the bodies to keep (in my case) and then to be able to fold it up without any problem. (See image).


Thanks again to all ;)

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