[Room Family] Backup problem with Excel file


I am facing a problem since I saved an external copy of the Excel file of the part family, which I then linked to the internal file at SDW.

I make changes on the internal excel file and when I try to save the part the problem occurs, an error message is displayed (see PJ) thus preventing me
to perform the backup.

I would like to know where this error comes from and how to solve it.

Thank you.


See these links

Create a room family

To create a part family, you must define the names of the configurations to be created and the parameters to be controlled, and then assign values to the parameters.

You can create a part family in several ways:

  • Insert a new, empty part family into the template and enter the information about it in the worksheet. When you're done, new configurations are automatically created in the template.

  • Instruct the SolidWorks software to automatically create the part family. SolidWorks loads all configured parameters and their associated values from a part or assembly.

  • Create the worksheet for a worksheet for a worksheet family separately in Microsoft Excel. Save the spreadsheet and then insert it into the template document to create the configurations.

You can insert an unfinished spreadsheet and then edit it later to add configurations, control new settings, or update values.

 When using part families in the SolidWorks software, it is important that they are properly formatted.



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Thank you for your answer but the problem persists.

See these pages The solution is there


@+ ;-)

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